I thoroughly enjoy working with corporation and government staff, managers and leadership.  Participants and agencies I’ve worked with are so diverse, and it’s wonderful to see how the concepts I share work in any environment, from parks and recreation departments to retail, from 911 operators to the Arizona Employment Security Department.  It’s truly rewarding seeing the positive changes they make, and their clients and customers love it, too!

My very first training was for the United Parcel Service in 1997, and I’ve worked with so many different agencies and corporations since.  In 2006, Peace Enforcement LLC was awarded a standing contract with the Washington State Department of Personnel, which is now Department of Enterprise services in which I’ve trained thousands of staff and managers and done multiple keynotes.  In 2018, we were awarded a similar contract with the State of Arizona to provide trainings to their public sector staff, managers and leadership.

I’ve been privileged to travel all over the United States supporting people, our government and companies.  I was even flown to keynote my Seven Steps to Phenomenal Management Skills in Singapore – which was the largest HR conference ever in Asia.

I hope it works to lend a hand!