Speaking and Training

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I thoroughly enjoy working with corporation and government staff, managers and leadership. Participants and agencies I’ve worked with are so diverse, and it’s wonderful to see how the concepts I share work in any environment, from parks and recreation departments to retail, from 911 operators to the Arizona Employment Security Department. It’s truly rewarding seeing the positive changes they make, and their clients and customers love it, too!
My very first training was for the United Parcel Service in 1997, and I’ve worked with so many different agencies and corporations since. In 2006, Peace Enforcement LLC was awarded a standing contract with the Washington State Department of Personnel, which is now Department of Enterprise services in which I’ve trained thousands of staff and managers and done multiple keynotes. In 2018, we were awarded a similar contract with the State of Arizona to provide trainings to their public sector staff, managers and leadership.
I’ve been privileged to travel all over the United States supporting people, our government and companies. I was even flown to keynote my Seven Steps to Phenomenal Management Skills in Singapore – which was the largest HR conference ever in Asia.
I hope it works to lend a hand!
Thanks for stopping by! Below is a list of all the trainings I offer through the Department of Enterprise Services. Click on the link at the bottom to be whisked to their page where you can search for the trainings, gather more info and sign up if you’d like. I hope it works for you to attend!
All of these are “Open Enrollment” and available to public sector, higher education and tribal entities. You can also bring me in to your own location with a Single Agency Agreement and the training can be for topics below, or ANY of the trainings / topics on my pull down menu list above…
Alleviating Compassion Fatigue and Avoiding Burnout
Creating and Sustaining Work Life Balance
Helping Difficult Customers
Internal Dialog – The Language We Speak
The Importance of Self Care
Listening Skills
Managing Job Stress
Reasonable Suspicion
Secrets to Providing Exceptional Customer Service
Self Esteem and Our Internal Dialog
Verbal De-Escalation, Conflict and Self Trigger Identification
Workplace Civility and Bullying Prevention
The link to search for the trainings, gather more info and sign up is: https://des.wa.gov/services/training
I’m looking forward to seeing you!
I started working with children in 1998 when I developed my Peace Enforcement Self Esteem Improvement Curriculum and started a non-profit. Through that I taught classes in Elementary Schools and ran groups for kids after school. A short time after I was asked to provide workshops for parents, too. One of the amazing things about those workshops and using the same curriculum was that we – kids, me and parents – were all using the same language.
During that time I started presenting to Head Start and Early Head Start conferences and organizations providing management, leadership and staff trainings all over the United States. I’ve had the pleasure of presenting all across the U.S., including Alaska.
I really enjoy supporting people and organizations that support children. I get to be part of helping to make the world a better place, plus, children are amazing!
All of Paul’s keynotes are customized to your unique needs. Prior to your event, he talks with you and your stakeholders to discover your wants and needs from the presentation. He then takes his over two decades of experience and crafts your own unique keynote.
During your keynote, Paul uses his unique blend of humor, insight and interaction to help your clients get what they need oftentimes bringing up people from the audience to participate. His goal is to inspire, inform and to help make your event a huge success!
His presentations not only motivate and inspire, they’re interactive, thought provoking and fun! Your audience will be involved, engaged and learn!
Paul is dynamic! He leaves a lasting – positive impact – on your audience!
If you don’t see a topic you’d like, feel free to give me a call!
Topic Choices Include
The Big Picture is Amazing . Your audience discovers how to remember the big picture amidst day to day problems. They receive tools to put things in perspective and make the “challenges” they are facing seem easier. This is great for audiences and groups dealing with change, where morale is a problem, where there is a negative environment or where staff are getting caught up in things that aren’t working.
The Language of Leadership. Paul unfolds the importance of positive communication – both with our internal dialog and what we say aloud to others. Your audience discovers the value of positive speech and how it engages, motivates and inspires. They discover how to create the changes they want, refine and learn new skills and see how to stay optimistic in the face of adversity – empowering others along the way.
Navigating through Change: Where is Your Life Preserver? Change happens in every organization and can lead to positive or negative results. Your audience discovers what the different responses are to change and see how we can actually choose our response rather than be a victim to the situation. They also learn the indicators of people having difficulty with change and gain new skills in how to maximize their positive potential instead. For staff, managers and anyone dealing with change!
Navigating for a Brighter Tomorrow. This is great for teams, groups and companies that have gone through quite a bit of change, yet they’re having a hard time letting go. Paul splashes in humor, activities and themes so they can let go and see the benefits of doing so for them! They “Rekindle” their fire, let go of the past and focus forward – creating the positive changes that you, and they, really want.
Okay, Now What? This is wonderful as a closing keynote. Paul shares easy and effective tools so your participants can take all their skills, old and new, and lead in the real world. They discover how to not let others influence their passion, resolve and drive amidst resistance. They learn how to stay focused on what they want, remember who they are and create the positive changes they want!
Oops, I Forgot: Reclaiming the Power and Passion of Why You Signed Up. This is an excellent motivation and rekindling keynote. Remember the joy you had when you first started your career? The real reason you decided to do what you do? The feeling in your heart when you knew you were on the right track? In this insightful keynote, Paul helps your audience find it again, rekindle it and get things back on track.
Aligning your Vision with your Company’s Mission. This topic is of extreme importance for managers and leadership. You see, it’s easy to become frustrated with the day to day tasks of your role. This training helps you identify what your purpose is, what you value – specifically in your management role – and how to connect these with your company’s mission. This is an invaluable concept that re-motivates, connects and concretizes what you really do – and why!
The Art of Responding, Not Reacting. When we “react,” we aren’t actually present to what’s really happening. It’s as if we’re on auto pilot, and in some ways – we are. This training uncovers the difference between Responding and Reacting, and not only shows why we do that sometimes, it provides ways for you to get out of Reactivity mode and Respond the way you wish you had.
The Big Picture is Amazing. Learn how to remember the big picture amidst day to day problems, which can be challenging at times as a manager. Here, you’ll learn and use concepts to put things back in perspective and make the “challenges” you’re facing easier. You’ll learn not only how to do this for yourself, you’ll see how you can do this for your teams as well.
Communication Skills – Enhanced. Discover the true purpose of communication and how it get’s derailed so easily. Here, you’ll learn the common pitfalls, challenges and obstacles that present themselves in your work environment. You’ll learn remedies along with prevention approaches and how to move through challenges when they do happen. Bonus: Discover your communication style and how to enhance your communication with others.
Emotional Intelligence – Especially for Managers. Learn how to develop self awareness and use this to build and maintain effective relationships with your staff and co-workers. Discover how to not get so caught up in misunderstandings, how to rethink assumptions and understand different perspectives.
Is it You, or Is it Me? We’ve all been there, we get caught up in some drama, a misunderstanding or frustration with someone we manage – sometimes to the point we lose sleep and it just irritates us. This topic helps you not only recognize when this is happening, sooner, it shows you how to unravel things and get back to your comfortable self.
The Language of Leadership: Enhancing Your Leadership Potential. You’ll discover the importance of positive communication, the impact it has on leadership and as such, you and your organization. We’ll unlock some of the pitfalls of framing things negatively and anchor the benefits of knowing how to frame what you want to say in a positive way. We’ll also look at our internal dialog, the impact it has and provide you with tools to switch things, which benefits everyone.
The Positive Influence of Internal Dialog. We take a look at what we not only tell ourselves, what we listen to in our thinking. You’ll see the impact and power of “reframing,” confronting negative thoughts and beliefs and telling the positive truth in situations. The effects not only change you, as a person and as a manager, your workplace environment changes and so do your staff. A must for anyone wanting to sustain lasting, positive changes!
Rekindling the Fire / Burnout Prevention. In managing, it’s easy to push ourselves too far. Here, we dig and discover the reasons why we forget the passion we once had for what we do in the world. You’ll discover together and remove obstacles that get in your way, and be provided with long term, active steps to keeping the joy. You’ll leave with ways not only to refocus, you’ll see how to recharge and not let your battery run so low next time.
Building Confidence, Competence and Credibility. Learn effective techniques to create the changes you want in your career and increase your self confidence, capability and as such – your credibility. Discover new skills in communication, conflict resolution / prevention and setting and achieving your goals. See how to look at “mistakes” in a new way and how focusing on what works – and amplifying these – achieves dramatic, positive results.
The Gift of Accountability. Discover the common challenges that prevent managers from holding people accountable and learn effective solutions to alleviate them. You’ll also learn the direct and hidden benefits of this skill and discover what you’re really doing when you set expectations and really follow through so everyone wins!
Managing and Leading Teams. Learn the nuances of team leadership, including successful strategies, breakdown prevention and team enhancement. See how to improve participation and support staff to count themselves in. You’ll discover tried and true methods that work!
Managing and Leading Change Change. Change happens in every organization and can lead to positive or negative results. Participants in this course discover what the different responses are to change, learn the indicators of people having difficulty with change and gain new skills in how to maximize their positive potential instead.
Difficult Conversations Made Easy. Are you or your staff avoiding conversations that need to take place? Are they letting things build up until things boil over and make a mess? Learn tools to help make conversations easier and develop new skills and strategies to say what needs to be said in a way that is more receptive.
Managing Staff Having Difficulty. You’ll discover ways to support yourself, and your staff, that are having challenges. You’ll develop and refine skills to not take on and personalize their challenges while supporting them to create the positive changes you, and they, want. Discover the importance of focusing on the behavior and helping them to do the same, all to maximize and increase your chances of being heard and solving the problem.
Positive Leadership. Successful leadership is the cornerstone to any thriving organization. This training shares effective methods to stay on the positive track. Anyone can get caught up in drama, negativity and the many other issues that present themselves in your day to day. In this training, you’ll discover and learn the benefits of positive perspective, outlook and expectations.
Steps to Becoming a Supervisor. This training provides an overview and introduction to what it takes to become a successful supervisor. Using these skills, you’ll unlock your leadership potential, learn tools to become an exceptional leader and lead your team.
Success Habits. Successful people create and sustain positive habits. These habits help them work through various challenges that present themselves. Learn strategies to creating personal success habits and develop skills to work through day to day obstacles that present themselves. You will discover ways to focus your thinking that maximizes “Positive Problem Solving” and discover how the person with the most control over this is you. You’ll learn how the big picture is often the best way of looking at things and develop tools to help you stay focused there when you need.
Bullying Prevention. For the person misusing their power and the people working with them. Paul discusses what bullying is and looks at why individuals make this choice, sometimes without realizing it. You’ll receive effective remedies to prevent bullying and help those affected stop the behavior. He also shares ways for individuals to say “No” from a place of power. With your team, it can include the person having the challenge, is shown ways to move through the prior negative experience and get back to “normal.”
The Drama Triangle. The trap and solutions. Learn the three different positions on the Drama Tri-angle and see how they try to stir things up! Receive insights as to why people make this choice, ways to prevent it and skills to not get involved in the first place!
Gossip Prevention. This focused training teaches your staff and management effective tools to eradicate this malicious problem. Participants learn the real definition of gossip, why people choose it and are given positive ways of communicating. They leave with tried and true skills to prevent gossip and avoid the trap in the first place.
Alleviating Burnout. In these times, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with your job and burn out. Paul shares ways of changing your perspective, managing time and getting you , and/or your staff, back on track.
Aligning your Vision to your Company’s Mission. In this new Millennium it’s vital to foster a sense of purpose for your staff, they want to belong to something and know how they fit. This training helps them identify what their purpose is, what they value in their work life and how to connect these with the company’s mission. This process not only improves employee retention, it improves morale and productivity!
The Art of Positivity at Work. In today’s workplace it’s easy to be brought down by the negative, be it in people or situations. In this training you’ll discover how to avoid these setbacks and how to support others to do the same. You’ll discover the drivers of negativity and how to keep your focus on a positive track amidst whatever is happening.
The Big Picture is Amazing. Discover how to remember the big picture amidst day to day problems. You’ll receive tools to put things in perspective and make the “challenges” you’re facing seem easier. This is great for groups dealing with change, where morale is a problem, you have a negative environment or your staff is getting caught up in things that aren’t working.
Keeping the Fire Burning /Rekindling the Fire. Let’s dig and discover the reason why we forget the passion we once had for what we do in the world. We’ll discover together and remove the obstacles that get in our way, and provide you with long term, active steps to keeping the joy. Receive custom answers to your burning concerns. This is a customized training, tailored towards your specific needs.
Navigating for a Brighter Tomorrow. In this blend of several concepts, your staff becomes aware of things that have been holding them back, that’s been keeping them from embracing change, new ideas or focusing on the positive. You receive tools, tips and actually see the benefits of changing your perspective. Your entire staff and company benefits!
Oops, I Forgot. The art of reclaiming the power and passion of why you signed up. Remember the joy you had when you first started working with kids? The real reason you decided to do what you do? The feeling in your heart when you knew you were on the right track? Let’s find it again, rekindle it and get things back on track.
Out with the Negative. Have you noticed how negativity gets more negativity? In this training, you’ll learn tools to identify and remove the negative that gets in our way. Discover how our minds end up in weird and often non-productive places and receive tools to stay focused on what you want. Develop skills to a happier and more productive day5 and life!
ReFocus, ReCharge and ReEnergize. This is a focused training providing effective strategies to help your staff regain the clarity they once had. It helps them let go of past mistakes and provides them with ways to take care of themselves, which actually improves their performance. Your group will leave with a re-inspired focus and ways to keep it moving for years to come!
The Art of Responding – Not Reacting. “Reactivity” is one of the main causes of team breakdown; it can be visible, internalized within the individual or team or happen behind the scenes. This training supports teams to be more aware of when they are triggered, when they’re not thinking clearly and are reacting from past experiences. They self identify these patterns, develop prevention skills and implement ways to stay on track.
Conflict Resolution and Prevention. During this highly interactive and effective training, participants learn the underlying motives behind conflict. You learn a common and easy language and are taught proven tools to manage and work through conflict effectively.
Difficult Conversations Made Easier. Are you or your staff avoiding conversations that need to take place? Are they letting things build up until things boil over and make a mess? Learn tools to help make conversations easier and develop new skills and strategies to say what needs to be said in a way that is more receptive.
Effective Teamwork and Inclusion. Paul shows the importance of teamwork and the inclusion of other people’s ideas and beliefs. Paul shares concrete ways to improve teamwork in your workplace. He shows ways to support others to “count themselves in”, and you’ll discover the harm exclusion can do. You’ll also see the benefit to the individual, and the group, of including other people’s ideas.
Maintaining a Positive Attitude in Customer Service. You’ll learn the importance, relevance and impact of your “Attitude” and how it relates to providing customer service. Learn some “do’s” and “don’ts” along with some tips and strategies to maintain a positive attitude with most any client. Everyone wins!
Mastering Change. Change happens in every organization and can lead to positive or negative results. Participants in this course discover what the different responses are to change. You’ll see how you can actually choose your response rather than be a victim to the situation. Also, learn the indicators of people having difficulty with change and gain new skills in how to maximize their positive potential instead.
A Pathway to Success. Paul helps staff and participants move through fear created by these troubled times and in the workplace. He shows ways of doing easy reality checks, how to change your focus to what you want and how to break through and create the abundance and success you want to achieve. Great for individuals, staff and management.
Secrets to Improving Customer Service Skills. Teaching effective communication and people skills is critical to successful customer service. Participants learn how to not take customers’ needs, demands, or anxiety level personally. Discover how to listen without getting caught up in the drama. Learn ways to let customers know you hear them, to manage difficult situations, build loyalty, stay focused and on track.
Teambuilding. Improve the ability of your group to work together and to focus on the common goal. Increase their skill in recognizing and not letting common “group” challenges become big problems. They learn new tools and skills to solve these challenges quickly.
Working With Difficult People. Did you know you can work with someone even if you don’t like them? That’s the idea in this training: How to take care of yourself amidst someone you’re having challenges with. This not only works for the individual, it helps bond and unify teams having internal “personal” challenges with others.
The Art of Flexibility. You’ll learn how to be flexible, be a team player and still get what you need. Discover the importance of looking at the big picture and how to support yourself, and others, to not feel like you’re overlooked. It’s about advocacy while being a team player.
Building Confidence, Competence, & Credibility. Participants learn effective techniques to create the changes they want and increase their self confidence, capability and as such – their credibility. They discover new skills in communication, conflict resolution / prevention and setting and achieving their goals. Participants discover how to look at “mistakes” in a new way and how focusing on what works – and amplifying these things – achieves dramatic, positive results. Also, they learn how to be more comfortable with trying new things, accepting change and taking on new challenges.
Communication Skills 101. This training covers the fundamentals of communication. Processes are shared and experienced that show the real purpose of communication. You’ll discover some of the common pitfalls and challenges that often arise and be able to customize and uncover skills that work for you.
Communication Skills 102. Not just an expansion of 101, this training uncovers the deeper challenges and causes for communication issues. You’ll learn to self-identify your own patterns and replace them with new, effective and easier ones. You’ll leave with a greater understanding of yourself, others and how to maximize communication while reducing the amount of effort you put into it.
Goals, Structure, Results and How to Get the Changes You Want. Would you like to make some positive changes in your life? Have you tried and not had any luck? Join us in this training as you remove some of the obstacles that are getting in your way and receive tools to create personal structures that work! We’ll have some fun, you’ll learn some new skills and leave with ways of making the changes you want!
The Importance of Self Care- Doing More with More! Are you stressed out? Learn that it’s okay to take time for yourself. Find effective ways to reduce stress, get more done and increase the joy in your life. Learn how to not take other people’s challenges, emotions or reactions personally and create more space for you!
Interpersonal Communication Skills. This training helps participants build positive relationships and improve your organization’s effectiveness. They also master new communication skills, uncover and move through barriers to positive communication and are able to handle difficult situations more effectively. They learn how to communicate with others in a way that supports your own communication style. Paul shares how to increase your proficiency in sharing and listening to others and how to handle face to face contacts more effectively.
Managing Job Stress. In these times of doing more with less, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and burn out. Often the boundaries between work, home and clients can blur, adding even more stress and our environment and culture can also contribute to the problem. In this training, you’ll learn concepts to enhance your management of stress and avoid burning out in today’s world.
Mistakes: The New Outlook. Paul shares how what people often call “mistakes” are really hidden opportunities. Learn how mistakes are to be expected and sometimes applauded – especially when we’re doing something new or a team member is embarking on something they have not done before. Learn how to be easier with yourself and as a team, too.
Perfecktion with a “K.” Paul takes a look at “perfection” and how it can cause havoc in your day. From beating yourself up for starting your day five minutes late to how much time you spend getting things “just right”. It will help you be easier with yourself and/ or your staff, allow you to get more done and put some of the joy back into your life5and day!
The Power of Internal Dialog. Participants take a look at their own internal dialog, the conversations and thoughts they have with themselves and decide if they really believe what they are thinking. They’ll discover the impact that dialog has, and the positive changes they can make by monitoring it and deciding if they really believe it. This is a game changer for creating positive changes!
Success Habits. Successful people create and sustain positive habits. These habits help them work through various challenges that present themselves. You will discover ways to focus your thinking that maximizes “Positive Problem Solving” and discover how the person with the most control over this is you. You’ll learn how the big picture is often the best way of looking at things and develop tools to help you stay focused on it when you need.
Paul has been a featured speaker / trainer for the following:
American Society for Training and Development – ASTD – Seattle Chapter
Adams Elementary PTA
Antioch University
American Camping Association
Arizona Head Start Association’
Auburn Parks and Recreation
Ballard High School
Bellevue School District
Ben Franklin Elementary
Bright Horizons Child Care
Broadview Thompson PTA
Center for Spiritual Living
CHI Franciscan Health Palliative Care
Child Care Resources
Children’s Village
Church of the Nazarene
City of Auburn Parks and Recreation
City of Issaquah 911 Operators
City of Puyallup
City of Renton
City of Shoreline Parks and Recreation
Community Schools Collaboration
Des Moines United Methodist
East King County Child Care Association
Eastside Catholic
E Center Head Start – California
El Dorado County Office of Education – California
Edmonds School District
Education Training Partners
Evergreen State College Child Care
Franklin Power and Utilities Department
Fred Hutchinson Kids
Friends of Youth
Girl Scout Totem Council
Girl Scouts of Western Washington
Grand Hyatt
Head Start Olympia
Hiawatha School District
Highline Community College
Josephine Child Care Center
Kent School District
Key Media
Kids Co
King County Prosecutor’s Office
Kitsap Community Resources / Head Start
Lake Washington School District
Long View School District
Martin Sortun Elementary School
Marysville School District
Middle East Peace Camp
National Foster Parent Association
Neighborcare Health
North Middle School
North Seattle Community College
Northwest Youth Indian Conference
Oregon Head Start Association
Olympic Educational Service District
Parents as Teachers – ongoing support group for parents
Parkwood Elementary
Pierce County
Pierce County TV
Pinehurst Child Care
Puget Sound Educational School District
Region 9 Head Start Association – California
Renton School District
Renton Technical College Child Care
Schools Out Washington
Schools Out Consortium
Seattle Low Income Housing
Seattle Mental Health
Seattle Pacific University
Shoreline Parks and Recreation
Society for Human Resource Managers – SHRM – various chapters
Skagit / Islands County Head Start
Snohomish County Courts
Snohomish County Community Mobilization Project
Snohomish County Family Association
Snohomish County Head Start / Early Head Start
Sound to Harbor Head Start
South Bay Elementary
South Puget Sound Community College
South Sound Parent to Parent
St. James Family Center
St. Luke’s Parent Club
Stanwood Youth for Christ
Sultan School District
Tacoma Community College
Tacoma Power
Tacoma Retirement System
The Junior League of Seattle
The Village Project
Total Living Concept
Tahola School District
Thurston County Public Works
Tukwila Community Schools
Tukwila School District
Umatilla Head Start
United Parcel Service
University of Washington – Child Care Alliance – Foster Parents
Volunteers of America
Washington Association for Pupil Transportation
Washington School Age Care Alliance
Washington State Association of Head Start ECEAP
Washington State Association of Senior Centers
Washington State Association of Police Communication Officers
Washington State Department of Enterprise Services
Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife
Washington State Department of Labor and Industries
Washington State Department of Personnel
Washington State Department of Social Health Services
Washington State Department of Transportation
Washington State Family Child Care Association
Washington State Office of the Courts
Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner
Washington State Parent Teachers Association
Washington State Prevention Summit
Washington State Utilities and Transportation Commission
WayOut “Diversion Program” for Youth
Wenatchee High School
Wenatchee School District
Whittier PTA
Williams Kastner Lawyer Firm
Workforce Solutions Alamo Texas
WorkSource Washington
Zee Medical
Native American
Colville Tribes Youth Camp
Fort Peck Tribes Head Start
Grandview Early Learning Center
Hoh Nation
Hoopa Career and Technical Education Program
Kwataqnuk Lake Resort and Casino
Lower Elhwa Klallum Head Start / Early Head Start
Lummi Nation
Muckleshoot Tribe
Muckleshoot Tribal School
National Indian Child Care Association**
National Indian Head Start Directors Association
Puyallup Indian Tribe
Puyallup Tribes Head Start / Early Head Start
Pueblo of Acoma Head Start
Quileute Nation
Shoshone Rose Casino
Standing Tall Conference for Families
Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate Head Start
Suquamish Tribe – Early Head Start/Head Start/ECEAP
Tlingit Haida Head Start (Alaska)
Tulalip Tribes
Yakama Nation Head Start
Yakama Nation Housing
Yakima Valley Human Resource Association
Conferences – Keynotes, Breakout Sessions and All Day Workshops
American Society for Healthcare Human Resources Administration
Childhood Matters
Connections Conference
Eastern Wash Family Child Care – keynote
East Meets West HR Conference – Singapore
Infant and Early Child Care Conference – Keynote – Day Workshop and Breakouts
Inland Northwest Society for Human Resource Management – INSHRM – Spring
Conference Session
National Head Start Association
National Indian Education Association
National Indian Gaming Association
National Indian Head Start Directors Association
National Native American Human Resource Association
Northwest Human Resource Managers Association
Region 9 Head Start Association
Snohomish County Association for Education of Young Children
South Sound Association for Education of Young Children – SSAEYC
Washington Indian Education Association
Washington Association Head Start ECEAP / Parent .. Keynote … Break out
Washington Association for Education of Young Children – WAEYC
Celebrating over 25 years of “Helping You Create the Changes You Want!”