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Continued Growth

Aligning your Vision with your Company’s Mission.  This topic is of extreme importance for managers and leadership. You see, it’s easy to become frustrated with the day to day tasks of your role. This training helps you identify what your purpose is, what you value – specifically in your management role – and how to connect these with your company’s mission. This is an invaluable concept that re-motivates, connects and concretizes what you really do – and why!

The Art of Responding, Not Reacting.  When we “react,” we aren’t actually present to what’s really happening. It’s as if we’re on auto pilot, and in some ways – we are. This training uncovers the difference between Responding and Reacting, and not only shows why we do that sometimes, it provides ways for you to get out of Reactivity mode and Respond the way you wish you had.

The Big Picture is Amazing.  Learn how to remember the big picture amidst day to day problems, which can be challenging at times as a manager. Here, you’ll learn and use concepts to put things back in perspective and make the “challenges” you’re facing easier. You’ll learn not only how to do this for yourself, you’ll see how you can do this for your teams as well.

Communication Skills – Enhanced.  Discover the true purpose of communication and how it get’s derailed so easily. Here, you’ll learn the common pitfalls, challenges and obstacles that present themselves in your work environment. You’ll learn remedies along with prevention approaches and how to move through challenges when they do happen. Bonus: Discover your communication style and how to enhance your communication with others.

Emotional Intelligence – Especially for Managers.  Learn how to develop self awareness and use this to build and maintain effective relationships with your staff and co-workers. Discover how to not get so caught up in misunderstandings, how to rethink assumptions and understand different perspectives.

Is it You, or Is it Me?  We’ve all been there, we get caught up in some drama, a misunderstanding or frustration with someone we manage – sometimes to the point we lose sleep and it just irritates us. This topic helps you not only recognize when this is happening, sooner, it shows you how to unravel things and get back to your comfortable self.

The Language of Leadership: Enhancing Your Leadership Potential.  You’ll discover the importance of positive communication, the impact it has on leadership and as such, you and your organization.  We’ll unlock some of the pitfalls of framing things negatively and anchor the benefits of knowing how to frame what you want to say in a positive way. We’ll also look at our internal dialog, the impact it has and provide you with tools to switch things, which benefits everyone.

The Positive Influence of Internal Dialog.  We take a look at what we not only tell ourselves, what we listen to in our thinking. You’ll see the impact and power of “reframing,” confronting negative thoughts and beliefs and telling the positive truth in situations. The effects not only change you, as a person and as a manager, your workplace environment changes and so do your staff. A must for anyone wanting to sustain lasting, positive changes!

Rekindling the Fire / Burnout Prevention.  In managing, it’s easy to push ourselves too far. Here, we dig and discover the reasons why we forget the passion we once had for what we do in the world. You’ll discover together and remove obstacles that get in your way, and be provided with long term, active steps to keeping the joy. You’ll leave with ways not only to refocus, you’ll see how to recharge and not let your battery run so low next time. 

Building Confidence, Competence and Credibility.  Learn effective techniques to create the changes you want in your career and increase your self confidence, capability and as such – your credibility. Discover new skills in communication, conflict resolution / prevention and setting and achieving your goals. See how to look at “mistakes” in a new way and how focusing on what works – and amplifying these – achieves dramatic, positive results.

The Gift of Accountability.  Discover the common challenges that prevent managers from holding people accountable and learn effective solutions to alleviate them. You’ll also learn the direct and hidden benefits of this skill and discover what you’re really doing when you set expectations and really follow through so everyone wins!

Managing and Leading Teams.  Learn the nuances of team leadership, including successful strategies, breakdown prevention and team enhancement. See how to improve participation and support staff to count themselves in. You’ll discover tried and true methods that work!

Managing and Leading Change Change.  Change happens in every organization and can lead to positive or negative results. Participants in this course discover what the different responses are to change, learn the indicators of people having difficulty with change and gain new skills in how to maximize their positive potential instead.

Difficult Conversations Made Easy.  Are you or your staff avoiding conversations that need to take place? Are they letting things build up until things boil over and make a mess? Learn tools to help make conversations easier and develop new skills and strategies to say what needs to be said in a way that is more receptive.

Managing Staff Having Difficulty.  You’ll discover ways to support yourself, and your staff, that are having challenges. You’ll develop and refine skills to not take on and personalize their challenges while supporting them to create the positive changes you, and they, want. Discover the importance of focusing on the behavior and helping them to do the same, all to maximize and increase your chances of being heard and solving the problem.

Positive Leadership.  Successful leadership is the cornerstone to any thriving organization. This training shares effective methods to stay on the positive track. Anyone can get caught up in drama, negativity and the many other issues that present themselves in your day to day. In this training, you’ll discover and learn the benefits of positive perspective, outlook and expectations.

Steps to Becoming a Supervisor. This training provides an overview and introduction to what it takes to become a successful supervisor. Using these skills, you’ll unlock your leadership potential, learn tools to become an exceptional leader and lead your team.

Success Habits.  Successful people create and sustain positive habits. These habits help them work through various challenges that present themselves. Learn strategies to creating personal success habits and develop skills to work through day to day obstacles that present themselves. You will discover ways to focus your thinking that maximizes “Positive Problem Solving” and discover how the person with the most control over this is you. You’ll learn how the big picture is often the best way of looking at things and develop tools to help you stay focused there when you need.